Fall is for planting!

Many gardeners are surprised to find out that, contrary to popular belief, fall is actually an excellent time to plan perennials. Gardeners and the nursery industry revolve primarily around spring planting with Mother’s day being the biggest plant shopping day of the year. However, if we dig into why we plant in the spring, we find that fall has many of the same characteristics that make spring a great time to plant and is even better in some respects. When planting any new plant into the ground, the primary goal is to get the plant established. In other words,...
Wild Toledo - Native Landscaping Service!

The Toledo Zoo’s Wild Toledo program has become well known in the area for its 50+ prairie installations and more recently WildToledo.org, the area’s only plant nursery focused solely on plants native to NW Ohio. However, did you know Wild Toledo also offers full native landscaping services? Wild Toledo can design, plant, and maintain your native landscape to give you beautiful gardens that are both aesthetically pleasing as well as ecologically beneficial. All plants used in Wild Toledo native landscapes are native to NW Ohio and are pollinator friendly. The majority of the material used in our native landscapes is grown right...